She will find solace, Moscow
Theatrum 2020
A participatory performance event, based on French curator and art researcher Nicolas Bourriaud's claim that the role of art is to offer paths of action and ways of life within existing reality, at any scale chosen by the artist.
"She will find Solace" is an experiment, gauging to what extent does a work enable the audience to engage in dialogue? Can the audience exist in the space defined by the work? And how?

At a time in which the end of the COVID-19 epidemic is unclear, and its long term consequences are far from understood, not all of us want, or can, go back to an alienated society, which ignores the individual, deepens social gaps, and promotes the strong.
The work "She will find Solace" adopts the "The Long Tail" model by author Chris Anderson who claims that the crumbled centralized thinking of the 20th century is being replaced by diverse communities, and identifies those who dream of a new, more equal and collaborative community. To this goal, the audience undergoes a process of selection and training by passing seven gates and stations, which arouse their senses to the possibilities of action under restrictions, laws, and quarantines, while opening the consciousness to free and creative thought.
The project - a collaboration between a local Ensemble, and an Israeli director Lilach Dekel-Avneri, seeks to examine the will of individuals in today's society to make a change and to practice their rights to freedom and public spaces; and to strengthen mutual responsibility and solidarity. It is a proposal for an action: founding the New Moscow Kibbutz, as a post-modern anarchistic model of a mutually responsible society.

The Team
Creator: Lilach Dekel-Avneri
Dramaturg: Polina Pkhar
Space & costume designer: Tatiana tandja
The Curator of Theatrum 2020: Anton Fleurov
Assistant Curator & Project manager: Liaza Spivakovskaya
The team would like to thank Yana Kotlyer-Gal - the cultural Attaché in Mosco, for all her efforts to bring this project to live
With the support of the Israeli embassy in Mosco